Consortium and Random Drug Testing Programs

 Consortium and Random Drug Testing Programs

goMDnow is a professional for building and managing DOT compliant testing programs for any business in the transportation industry. If you are a DOT-regulated company and need a DOT-compliant drug and alcohol program, we can provide your business with complete testing and planning services.

We strictly adhere to DOT compliance standards in all our tests. Unlike other medical facilities that only offer drug testing, we are qualified to offer DOT compliant tests with all required components.

Employers regulated by the U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT) require a random drug testing program. If you are self-employed, you will need to participate in the Consortium Randomized Drug Testing Program.

Smaller DOT-regulated employers also have the option of enrolling in a consortium random drug testing program to facilitate compliance. Large DOT-regulated employers often require an independent DOT random testing consortium.

DOT Audit and Compliance

goMDnow can assist employers regulated by any DOT agency with a compliant drug and alcohol testing program. It is important to have an experienced and professional C/TPA for your drug testing needs. Ask your current supplier if they can assist you with an audit or program review. Do you have the following?

• Alcohol and drug testing policy, and instructions for implementing the plan

• Employee and supervisor training records

• Random test records

• Records of drug testing custody and control forms for all DOT tests

• MRO records

• Alcohol test form for all DOT tests

• Employee return records

Non-compliance can result in fines of up to $10,000 per occurrence and can cause orders to be taken out of service, putting your business out of business. When the company commits the following violations:

• No drug and alcohol testing policy

• No independent or random testing affiliate program

• is using a driver who has not completed a negative drug test

• is using a driver who refuses to take a required alcohol or drug test

• Using a driver who previously tested positive and did not complete the return-to-work process as required by the Substance Abuse Specialist (SAP)


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