The Advantages of Joining the Random Testing Consortium


Random Testing Consortium

The Drug Testing Consortium is a random drug testing program for many employers. Consortiums are usually offered to employers regulated by the Department of Transportation. Applying them to the general workplace also has its advantages.

FYI, the consortium is the plural form of consortium. Managing drug testing procedures can be complex and require specialized personnel. This gets even more difficult if you're managing hundreds of employees and applicants. This is overwhelming for any business. Thanks to the Drug Testing Alliance, it doesn't have to be.

We take simplifying employment screening very seriously. The Drug Testing Consortium is a great way. That's why we recommend SMEs join the Drug Testing Alliance.

It Lowers Your Costs

Joining a drug testing alliance can reduce your direct costs. How does this work? Well, most vendors have volume-tiered pricing models. Therefore, the more tests you perform, the lower the unit cost. Small businesses that contract with labs don't get the best rates for drug testing services. If you contract through a syndicate, you get discounted prices with economies of scale.

Also, your company doesn't have to test as many participants. For example, let's say your company has a random testing rate of 50%. You have 10 employees. You need to test 5 employees. Now, let's form a coalition of 10 of your employees with 100 other employees. The entire consortium must meet the 50% tax rate. This reduces the opportunity to select employees. This means less testing for you. You're reducing your company's random consortium rate while still maintaining compliance. It's almost like cheating the system.

Joining a drug testing alliance can also reduce your overhead costs. There are many service agents involved in drug testing. Drug testing for employment includes laboratories, MROs, and collection points. You can receive up to three bills for a drug test. The Drug Testing Consortium can combine services and consolidate your bill. This will give your accounts payable department some relief.

You Get Expert Support

Federal and state drug and alcohol testing regulations can be complex. In some cases, it may not be clear to you what action you should take. The Drug Testing Consortium gives you access to knowledgeable and experienced individuals. They can help you make tough decisions.

Creating a complete medication plan from scratch can be a daunting task. The Drug Testing Alliance gives you a quick start. Your business can implement an existing workplace drug testing program.

It reduces your administrative burden

As I mentioned earlier, there are many service agents involved in the drug testing process. Contracting with laboratories, MROs, and collection points requires a significant coordination effort. It's even harder if you're a multi-location employer. A well-organized drug testing consortium will have an existing network of service agents. Your business does not need to spend time signing contracts with each business to register.

There are other administrative requirements for maintaining your drug testing program. These include quality control, archiving and record keeping. The Drug Testing Consortium shall assume these responsibilities on your behalf. This will free up your employees' time.

Technology also plays an important role in reducing administrative burdens. You have to maintain thousands of records. These include drug test results, alcohol test results, employee records and forms. This can be a mess. Make sure your service provider can provide a technical solution. It should help you find records by storing tables electronically, and integrating eCCF. "eCCF" is an acronym for "Electronic Chain of Custody". This will save you time so you don't have to hunt for test records and tracking forms.

So you see the advantages of joining the drug testing consortium. It is provided to employers in the Department of Transportation (DOT) regulated and general workplace. Benefits include lower costs, expert support, and reduced administrative burden.


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