
Drug & Alcohol Consortium

Drug & Alcohol Consortium goMDnow provides complete drug and alcohol testing program management. Our consortium members get help with regulatory compliance, managing the random selection, reducing delays in the testing process, quality assurance, audit preparation, document retention and preparation, and consolidated billing. The goMDnow Consortium can support customized drug and alcohol screening programs, including any and all testing: pre-employment, random, reasonable suspicion, post-accident, return to work, and follow-up testing. We can also help develop new testing policies and programs, customized to your needs. The breadth of the program is up to you. The currently mandated random testing rates for each driver pool are: Drugs: 25%, Alcohol: 10%. Test rates are systematically reviewed and may be changed by the DOT. Become a goMDnow Alliance member today! FMCSA Regulations: Required Drug Testing Commercial driver license holders and their employers who operate commercial

How do I pass a urine drug test?

 Urine Drug Test All information is about urine testing for THC. Other types of drug tests have different procedures and take into account additional information. For the average marijuana user, there's nothing scarier to say than "we need you to take a urine drug test." This seemingly innocuous statement is enough to get the most rational person online trying to figure out how to pass a urine test. While recreational and medicinal marijuana is increasingly legal across the country, it remains standard practice for employers to require THC urine drug testing as a condition of employment or for employees to undergo random drug testing. While there is a wealth of information online explaining how to pass a marijuana drug test, it can be difficult to determine which information is accurate and which is actually an unreliable drug test myth. That's why we've compiled this guide on how to pass the weed drug test in urine. Below, we break down how long THC will re

The 4 Steps of the Return to Duty Process

Return toDuty Process RTD Step 1: Obtain a Substance Abuse Specialist (SAP) Evaluation Your employer must provide a free list of DOT certified SAPs. The list can be compiled by your employer, or from a consortium/third-party administrator (C/TPA) or other service agent. The list must contain the name, address, and phone number of an approved local SAP. You are also free to choose your own based on your research. SAP will conduct a face-to-face substance abuse assessment. The assessment must provide: A comprehensive and clinical assessment of your drug or alcohol related problems. Treatment and/or educational programs and referrals that must be completed prior to returning to any commercial driving and safety-sensitive duties. A written report directly to your Designated Employer Representative (DER) stating your post-assessment education/treatment plan recommendations. RTD Step 2: Completion of the SAP-assigned therapeutic and/or educational program If you want to get b

What is a consortium?

 Consortium: A consortium is a partnership of two or more organizations to establish their own official randomized drug testing programmed. To see if your organization is eligible, please contact our office. DOT Random Drug Testing Consortium: Our DOT Consortium offers random DOT drug and alcohol testing structures. The consortium acts as a "Third Party Administrator (TPA)" for members. Read on for more details about our DOT drug testing alliance services, or call us for information on joining the alliance. Example of a Drug Testing Consortium: A trucking company with only two or three drivers has a hard time implementing a successful random drug testing program. Instead, they can join a consortium where their drivers' names are merged with the names of other drivers from other companies. The random name generator then selects a driver from this pool. This more completely randomized their drug testing program. goMDnow to establish your commercial drug testing

What is the Return to Duty process?

Return to Duty process The process varies by company and industry specifics, but here are the specific steps to take after a DOT-required positive test: Immediately relieve employees of safety-sensitive functions (i.e., driving) – employees must be notified to stop driving as soon as it is safe to do so, even on roads in another state. Initial evaluation by a DOT-qualified Substance Abuse Professional (SAP) - The SAP will conduct an in-person interview to assess the employee's specific situation and history to determine the treatment regimen or program that the employee must complete. Education and Treatment Plan - SAP will develop a treatment plan for the employee during the initial interview. Follow-up evaluation by SAP - Once the employee has completed their assigned program, they must meet with their assigned SAP, and they will then determine if the employee can take the RTD test and return to duty again. Follow-up Test Schedule - The Designated Employer Representat

5 Steps to Return to Duty Following a Dot Testing Violation

  Return to Duty Process: 1. Immediate response to DOT violations When a driver engages in illegal drug or alcohol behavior, they must be immediately removed from performing all safety-sensitive functions. If in dispatch, the driver must be informed of the test results and instructed to stop. The notification usually involves arranging for the driver to go home and continue running with a different driver. Employers must provide drivers with a list of Substance Abuse Professionals (SAPs) who have the appropriate certification and DOT training to perform driver assessments. The list must be provided free of charge and provided to the driver (or driver applicant) regardless of whether the carrier retains the driver. 2. Education and/or Therapy Referrals by SAP for education and/or treatment programs are based on the driver's clinical assessment during the face-to-face meeting. SAP should be aware of available programs and consultants. SAP may take into account the driver

What is FMCSA? What is the FMCSA Drug Testing Consortium?

 What is FMCSA? FMCSA is a sub-department of the U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT) that develops and enforces safety regulations for the trucking industry. FMCSA aims to make roads safer by reducing the number of truck and bus accidents and injuries. One of the FMCSA's responsibilities together with the DOT is to administer drug and alcohol testing standards. DOT and FMCSA require all CDL (Commercial Driver License) drivers to undergo pre-employment, random and other drug testing. These rules affect CDL drivers and their employers. What is the FMCSA Drug Testing Consortium? The FMCSA Drug Testing Consortium is a third-party alliance or administrator that administers DOT drug and alcohol testing required by employers. The FMCSA Drug Testing Alliance is responsible for understanding all DOT and FMCSA drug and alcohol testing rules and regulations and ensuring that employers comply with them. MCSA Clearinghouse Compliance Management During the registration process to be